最風趣、最強盛的九宮格教室額定留學文書之——Why Essay



Each year,one of the greatest challenges my students face is the dreaded Why Essay. It seems like almost every school makes their applicants write some words about “why do you want to attend our college?” o訪談r “what led you to apply?” or “what do you love about us?” in addition to the Personal Statement.

每年請求季,我的先生面對的最年夜挑釁之一就是恐怖的“Why Essay”。似乎每一所黌舍城市讓他們的請求人寫一些關於“你為什麼想上我們黌舍?”或許“是什麼促使你請求我們黌舍?”或許“你愛好我們什麼?”,作為小我陳說的彌小班教學補。時租

I’ve seen so many students become frustrated and lost by these essays. They feel that most of the colleges seem too much alike. How can they possible write an original essay for each one? They spend hours and hours doing research online only to throw up thei聚會r hands in exasperation and wonder what crazy reason would compel these colleges to want to hear about themselves. They comp講座lain that Why Ess小班教學ays are tedious, dull, confusing, and useless. As a frazzled student once said to me:“I want to make the admission officers write a Why Essay about why they love Why Essays!”

我看到過良多先生由於這些文章而變得懊喪和沒有方向。他們感到年夜大都年夜學都太類似瞭。他們怎樣能夠為每個黌舍寫一篇原創文章呢?他們花瞭良多時光在網上做研討,成果卻惱怒地舉手降服佩服,想了解是什麼猖狂的來由迫使這些年夜學想要懂得黌舍本身。他們埋怨這篇文書死板有趣、令人迷惑、毫無用途。正如一個疲乏的先生已經對我說:“我想讓招生官寫一篇Why Essay往說明他們為什麼愛好Why Essay!”

I understand the stress that these essays cause. However, my many years of experience has shown me that the problem is九宮格n’t the Why Essays themselves. The problem is that students are taking the wrong approach to the prompts. In fact, I believe that Why Essays are one of the most interesting and powerful supplements that a student can write. A well-written Why Essay can make a big impact on an effective application!

我懂得這些文章形成的壓力。但是,我多年的經歷告知我,題目不在於Why Essay自己。題目在於,先生們懂得題意的方法是過錯的。現實上,我以為Why Essay是先生可以寫得最風趣和最強盛的額定文書之一。一篇寫得好的Why Essay可以對一份有用的請求發生很年夜的影響!


To help my students understand the potential of a Why共享會議室 Essay, I always teach them this key fact: 家教Like every essay in your application, the Why Essay isn’t about the college. It’s about you. The AO’s may be asking “why do you want to attend their school” but in reality, they are trying to figure out who you are, what you’re interested in, and how you will fit in and contribute to campus life.

為瞭輔助我的先生懂得Why Essay的潛力,我老是告知他們這個要害現實:就像你請求中的每一篇文章一樣,Why Essay不是關時租會議於黌舍的,而是關於你的。招生官能夠會問“你為什麼想上他們的黌舍”,但現實上,他們想要懂得的是你是誰,你對什麼感愛好,以及你將若何融進校園生涯並為之作進獻。

What? The colleges don’t actually want to hear about themselves?

Exactly! Think about it. The AO’s already know everything that their college has to offer. They know all the interesting academic programs, the campus culture, the unique extracurricular offerings. They’ve seen every possible justification for why their school聚會 is “好棒”. But you know what they don’t know yet? They don’t know about YOU.


When students who haven’t received my guidance first send me drafts of their Why Essays, I see that they often fail to understand this im家教場地portant fact. I read essays that have detailed breakdowns of an economics department or carefully researched discussions about extracurricular clubs. What I rarely get from these essays is some new information about the student that is impressive or relevant. These essays are about the college, not about the student.

當那些沒有獲得我領導的先生第一次交給我他們的Why Essay草稿時,我發明他們常常沒有懂得這個主要的現實。有的文書裡包含瞭一些關於經濟學院具體剖析,或許細心研討過的、關於課外俱樂部的會商。但我很少交流從這些文章中獲得一些關於先生的,令人印象深入或具有聯繫關係性的新信息,這些文章是關於年夜學的,不是關於先生的。

What I tell these students is simple but powerful advice. Look at the essay as an opportunity to tell the AO important aspects of yourself not revealed in other parts of the application, reinforce your overall message to them, and communicate how you will engage with their campus community. When you approach Why Essays that way, not only will your essays be better, but they’ll become a lot easier to write, too!




Let’s discuss some examples. Here’s an essay that Yale asked for recently: What is it abo舞蹈教室ut Yale that has led you to apply? (125 words or fewer)


九宮格Below is one draft from an applicant. As you read, ask yourself what the AO might be learning about the student from the essay:


Now let’s look at another example. Here’s a different draft from the same applicant. Again, keep in mind the perspective of the AO as you read:


Which essay you think is more valuable to the AO? Which one is more impressive? Which essay would you “admit” to Yale if you had the choice. Why?


Of course, the second essay is the stronger one. In the first essay, the student clearly did her research. We learn about Yale. We learn a little about Thucydides, too. She even picked outa professor she liked. But we learn almost nothing about the applicant herself. The essay is focused around Yale, not the student.


Conversely, look at all th共享會議室e interesting things we learn about the applicant in the second essay:

She has 瑜伽教室a passion for the academic field of Western Philosophy.

She is a self-starter and is w會議室出租illing to work outside of class to enric訪談h herself.

She is eager to engage with other students t家教o交流 discuss瑜伽教室 ideas

She is active about creating opportunities for students to get involved in her interests.

She applies her academic knowledge to issues outside of the classroom.

She is looking for a college that prizes rigorous, communal intellectual experiences.








All those amazing things from just a little, 125 word essay! You should aim for your work to have the same kind of impact.

So, when it comes time to write the numerous Why Essay this season, don’t despair or get too hung up on research and spec交流ifics about the school. Instead, my advice is to focus on storytelling about yourself. A good college mentor can help you figure out this story, how to communicate it effectively, and how to connect it to the unique qualities of the colleges you are applying to.

所以,當這請求季要寫一篇關於Why Essay的文章時,不要盡看,也不要對小樹屋黌舍的研討和細節過於固執。相反,我的提出是專註於講述關於本身的故事。一個好的年夜學請求導師可以幫你弄明白這個故事,若何有用地溝通,若何把時租空間它與你請求的年夜聚會學的奇特品德聯絡接觸起來!

Happy writing!



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